
International Student Symposium



International Student Symposium


In order to fully know about the learning and living conditions of international students and facilitate them in the education and management services , combined with the college 's mid-term teaching inspection work, on the evening of May 21th, the International Student Management Office held an international student symposium in the activity room of Nanhu International Student Apartment. Vice dean Li Li, international student counselor Li Kexin, teaching staff and international student representatives participated in the symposium.


At the meeting, vice dean Li Li expressed the college 's concern and expectation for international students ' study and life in our school. At the same time, he also hoped that students could speak freely about the current problems in their study and life and find solutions together. A student representative from Turkmenistan reflected the situation of undergraduate learning and the difficulties faced by freshmen in language, environmental adaptation and curriculum learning. Wang Wei, a student representative from Saudi Arabia, put forward opinions and suggestions on the training program, teaching arrangement, curriculum setting and teachers ' education and teaching methods for preparatory students.


In response to the questions raised by the international students, vice dean Li and the relevant teachers answered them patiently and carefully, introduced the relevant policies and regulations of the university in detail, and made suggestions on how to better adapt to the learning and living environment in China. Finally, vice dean Li said that the school will take seriously the suggestions and opinions put forward by the students, timely feedback to the relevant departments with the hope to effectively solve the problems encountered by international students in study and life, and further improve the level of education, teaching and management services for international students.

 供稿 | 黄鑫

       审稿李理 李可心

       编辑 | 陈蓓 龚建明