
2022年秋季注册报道通知 Registration Arrangements


Registration Arrangements for International Students in China

注册安排 | Arrangements


International students in China, please bring your student's book and passport to office 407 in East Campus for on-site registration on August 29th to September 2nd from 8:30-11:30am and 2:30-5:00pm.

报到流程 | Conditions & Procedures
1. Studentst traveled outside must do a self-health monitoring 7 days before returning to school, and at least 48 hours in advance to apply to return to school to International Education School. Students should truthfully record their health status and activity track (in which itinerary information includes departure time, the way of travel, train number/flight/license number, transfer experience, arrival time, etc., the same below), sign a Student Health Admission Commitment, and upload their green health code, green itinerary card and a negative certificate of nucleic acid test within 48 hours.
2. The supervisor (Nicole for bachelors and Caicai for postgraduates) is responsible for reviewing the relevant materials submitted by the students. After the review is passed, students are allowed to return to school on time.
3. International students should arrive at the school at the specified time to return to school, take the initiative to cooperate with the inspection of body temperature, health code, itinerary code, 48-hour nucleic acid test negative certificate, vaccination status, and enter the campus. 
4. Please finish the next year tuition and dormitory fees and bring the receipt. 

注意事项 | Other precautions


1. Do a good job of self-health monitoring during school, and report to IES in time for body temperature monitoring or abnormal physical condition, and deal with it in accordance with the school's emergency plan.
2. Do not go out, do not have meals outside, and do not gather if it is not necessary, keep the study and living spaces relatively fixed, and the number of leaving the school is minimized, and the registration and filing shall be implemented when entering and leaving the campus.
3. Resolutely defend against false information, enhance cybersecurity awareness, and do not believe, spread, or fabricate rumours.
4. Strengthen online and offline health education and learning, improve their own health literacy, and develop "one-meter noodles" hygiene habits and lifestyles; masks should be worn when entering and exiting teaching buildings, dormitory areas, libraries, canteens, school hospitals and other crowded public places , obey on-site management and control; do a good job of dormitory hygiene and housekeeping, open windows frequently, ventilate more, wash hands frequently, and do not stop by; implement meals at different times and peaks, advocate self-contained meal boxes, take-out meals, and reduce dine-in meals; it is strictly forbidden to keep pets on campus , do not touch animals on and off campus.
5. Abide by the campus pandemic prevention and control regulations, return to school, participate in nucleic acid testing according to the requirements of the school, and do not enter indoor public places unless necessary, and do not go out and gather. The school will not tolerate or accommodate students who violate the regulations on pandemic prevention and control. Depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, the school will give corresponding disciplinary measures and provide warning education.

6. Register for leave. Those who do not meet the conditions for returning to school or who cannot return to school on time due to other special circumstances must apply for leave in advance to International Education School.


Registration Arrangements for International Students outside China


According to new semester arrangement, international students currently outside China can’t come for on-site registration temporarily. Please register online according to the link below before 5:00pm Sep 2nd, UTC+8. For students who are willing to return to school and have submitted application, the school is processing for you in an orderly manner. Please wait patiently for the follow-up email notification.

Online registration address:

Students who are temporarily unable to enter China will continue to take classes online. Please follow the online teaching requirements and complete the assigned study tasks.

Students who can’t register on time for special reasons should sent the basic information and reasons for leave to your supervisor to complete the leave procedures. For students who fail to ask for leave or fail to register without getting approval, they will be regarded as absenteeism. For students who fail to register beyond two weeks including two weeks, except for force majeure, they will be regarded as giving up study or withdrawal from school automatically.

联系电话 Phone No:
+86-27-87608608 (Mafangshan)
+86-27-87590525 (Nanhu)

联系邮箱 Contact Email
caicai@whut.edu.cn (postgraduates)
likexin@whut.edu.cn (bachelors)



文字 & 编辑 / 李可心 Nicole
审定 / 李  理 Li Li