
发布时间:2023-11-13 15:54:29


为了让学生更深入的理解授课内容,了解发动机关键参数,增强学生的动手实践能力。汽车工程学院徐琳老师、杨灿老师与英国威尔士三一圣大卫大学Chalati Siwapimon老师多次研讨教学内容,并结合Chalati Siwapimon老师布置的课程大作业,准备好实验教学所需要的器材,于2023年11月1号和3号上午同汽车工程学院实验室的老师们一起分两次在汽车学院实验楼S-219教室对车辆工程专业2021级学生开展发动机参数测量实践课。



在实践过程中,老师们对小组成员的实际操作都进行了耐心细致的指导,Chalati Siwapimon老师全程用英文和学生们交流,徐琳老师和杨灿老师帮助解答学生提出的疑问,学生们对这种理论教学与实践教学相结合的教学模式很感兴趣。





Originally, I was quite contemptuous of this practical course, because I had already finished a course called the “Principles of Automobile Engines”, and I thought that I had a high level of understanding of the engine, but when I saw the rows of parts of the engine cylinders disassembled into one by one, I was dumbfounded, because I couldn't name the parts at all! Not to mention the measurement, at that time, I knew what it meant to be a good eye, so I humbly understood to the teacher and the classmates of the team, and understood a lot of more abstract and even unmentioned concepts in the book, such as fuel combustion does not occur in the cylindrical cylinder, the upper part of the cylinder has a conical combustion chamber, and the upper part of the piston is not flat, but there are many small pits, which is to form a squeezing vortex to accelerate the formation of the mixture.

Later, I also learned how to measure the volume by sealing the oiled cylinder with a glass lid with small round holes, and then filling the entire cylinder with a graduated syringe, so that the volume of the cylinder can be calculated by simply counting the height of the syringe drop.

In this practical class of measuring engine cylinder parameters, I deeply realize the importance of combining theory and practice, and no matter what I do, I must be down-to-earth, even if it is simple, no matter how easy it is



My personal experience is that my teacher Chalati Siwapimon in the field of automotive construction combining classroom theoretical knowledge with practice, who organized us to go to the workshop for engine measurement. This practical class was different from the theoretical class. Witnessing the engine operation process firsthand solved my doubts about theoretical knowledge, and personally measuring the engine also allowed me to apply dry theoretical knowledge. In short, I found this class very meaningful and I gained a lot.



During the practical session, Mr. Siwapimon and the teachers in the laboratory guided us on engine measuring processes and how to use the measuring tools, for example, how to use a vernier caliper to measure the internal diameter of the cylinder head. He also demonstrates on how to measure cylinder head volume with oil and perplex glass. The movement cycle of the four-stroke engine was also demonstrated. This practical session on cylinder and combustion chamber measurement was completed smoothly and quickly.

This experiment made me deeply realize the importance of teamwork; our team of 8 people were separated into three groups. Our group did the calculation of the engine compression ratio. The other 2 groups performed measurement on the top end and bottom end of the engine. These 2 groups provided us the raw data of measurements and our group did the calculation of the compression ratio.

We learned how good teamwork and good management lead to better work efficiency. We have learnt the fact that, if we want to complete the work in advance, we must reasonably allocate the workload properly. At the beginning, my group measured the dimensions of the cylinder head gasket. However, as we finished our job early, we later gave a hand to help other 2 groups to do measurement of lower and upper part of the engine.

The members of the other two groups helped us record the data and finally we selected the data and calculated the average value of each measurement. The results were close to the example, which proved that our measurement data were valid. In addition, I think some measurement skills, such as the use and reading of vernier calipers, are also necessary.


(供稿: 李文    审稿: 钟鸣、刘超)
